Monday, June 2, 2014

Five parts of information system

When you think about microcomputer(computer laptop, computer desktop, handheld, media center system unit, ), you always think that just a special assistant device can help you to produce many tasks such as document, entertainment, communicate by using monitor to view or can input by keyboard, but you rarely think of that microcomputer is as part of an information system. An Information System has five parts are people, procedures, software, hardware and data. but in some document there are six parts included another one is connectivity.

  1. People: is very important part in information system which work as two roles. One is creator or developer and another one is end-user. As you know when the requirement to use one system(Library System Management) occur, you will need the creator or developer to make for user, so this role act as creator or developer. Otherwise, The people who use the completed system which can operate follow their need called "end-user".
  2. Procedure: The rules or guidelines for people to follow when using software,hardware, and data. These procedures are typically documented in manuals written by computer specialists.
  3. Hardware: refer to all equipments that processes the data to create information includes the keyboard, mouse, monitor, system unit, and other devices. Hardware is controlled by software.
  4. Software: refer to program consists of the step-by-step instructions that tell the computer how to do its work. we can say that it's an another name of a program. The purpose of software is to convert data (unprocessed facts) into information (processed facts). For example, College survey program will convert all data which survey to let user know how many students will choose Computer Science, English, Business college when they continue at universe.
  5. Data: refer to raw, unprocessed facts, including text, numbers, images, and sounds.
      Almost all of today’s computer systems add an additional part to the information system. This part, called connectivity , typically uses the Internet and allows users to greatly expand the capability and usefulness of their information systems.

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