Monday, December 9, 2013

Starting your first blogging with blogspot

When you think of blogging websites, maybe you always think that it's very difficult which need to have knowledge of web application language such as Html, CSS, JavaScript etc.. and have to pay for domain name with hosting server.Don't worry about that, now you can use a few free blog sites easily that can allow your own online space where you can tell stories about your life, share insights and opinions about a topic in which you have expertise, incite laughter with great photos and videos, or inform clients about your business's successes. Blogging has become a pastime for some and a way to make money or enhance a business for others. All those free blogging sites are blogger, wordpress, tumblr, zoho.etc. In this lesson, we will show you how to get your first website with blogger.
The first of all, you have to have one gmail account then follow the step below:

1- Go to Blogger --> sign in(gmail account and password)

2- Click on New Blog (for creating new blog)

3- Fill prompt information 
  • Title : title of website that we blog
  • Address:  website address that is a sub-domain of blogspot 
  • Template: select on template that you like  ---> then click on Create Blog!

4- Now you successful create your blog and you will see like window below. Note the following image, there are 2 blogs one is 'Tutorial for blogging' and 'Angkor Tour', if you are first one, it will show only on blog that we created. One Google Account can host more than one blogs.

5- Finally, you can get your own beautiful website with nothing content that can visit all over the world on internet.

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